Standard SPANEX Features
The following is a list of SPANEX features, not necessarily in any order of importance.
Automatic Suite/Job/Step Restart Facility
Automatic Job Scheduling and Networking (Dependent Job Control)
Automatic Calendar processing, to control job selection based on date or "day-type"
Job Scheduling and Network Operations from Batch, Time-Sharing terminal, MCS operator console or dedicated SPANEX terminal
support of different techniques for the input of jobs to the system - techniques may vary between Job Networks
great flexibility in defining variable combinations of jobs required for each execution of an application system
temporary or one-off changes can be made to production JCL without affecting production JCL libraries
full-screen real-time display of Job Network status
full-screen display of jobs selected by Calendar processing for and date in the future or past
run-time statistics for individual jobs and for application systems
user-modifiable 3270 Program Function Key support and online HELP data
wallchart produced showing job inter-relationships
HALT and PROCEED commands allow Job Network execution to be interrupted at any point, and resumed when required
up to eight arbitrary external events which may be defined for each job, to control scheduling according to any user-chosen factors
ability to "catalogue" frequently-used sets of SPANEX commands and invoke with a single command
Password protection of sensitive Network control commands
many optional exit routines to permit Network execution to be monitored or modified and to provide Network security
all abnormal conditions automatically notified to the operator
operator acknowledgement of failures can be ensured
user program exception processing specified by parameter
multiple criteria for determining the successful or unsuccessful completion of application and utility programs
batch environment provided for user programs under TSO
minimal JCL changes or parameter requirements
extends user EXEC statement "PARM" field to 255 bytes (by use of optional extra DD statement)
all actions fully documented via optional "Message Log"
Global Log for a Job Network enables recording of all significant events in the execution of a Job suite with searching by SPANEX command
"TASKLIB" facility allows TSO "Dynamic STEPLIB"
"SPANLIB" facility allows easy testing of new SPANEX versions
secure authorization control for selected programs, batch or TSO
secure non-swapability control for MVS without PPT updates
optional MCS console display for information messages
MCS console for SPANEX messages selectable via Route Code specification
optional STOP and MODIFY command processing by SPANEX
optional operator authorization of jobstep execution
operator can CANCEL with DUMP, even if no Dump DD statement
"Span Product" facility enhances other Span products and provides facilities for user programs
aids for testing of TSO Command Processors
"NOTIFY" option informs TSO users of batch job results (and status of Job Network)
low overhead - CPU time used printed on "Message LOG" dataset using Span Software's SPSMFINF product (MVS only)
full paging and EXCP statistics from SPSMFINF (MVS only)
optional installation exit routine allows tailoring
macros provided to aid user program development